2020 Poultry Offerings
As many of you know, we have personally stopped raising poultry on our farm. However after many requests to help our customers procure poultry from a trusted source that we recommend, we are once again partnering with some friends of ours in order to make this possible. Luke and Katherine own Groce Family Farm in English, IN which is located near Louisville, KY.
We’ve known them for some time and they farm in a manner extremely similar to our own. In fact, they are the single best source we can recommend to you our customers in the state of Indiana. Like us, they started farming because they love feeding people delicious nutritive food, and wanted to figure out a way to live close to the land, and interact with it in a way that brings about regeneration and abundance.
However given the distance from Central Indiana to their farm, we are partnering with them to bring their products to our farm. Below you will find information about how to order and what products will be available when.
Groce Family Farm Poultry Standards
“For all concerned with human nutrition, flavor of food, land stewardship, best agricultural practices, clean air and water, and animal welfare: below is a detailed description of how we raise our products. We aim to stand behind what we do, and to bless all who eat our food, live in our watershed, and breathe air in our community.
We try very hard to be a farm that is transparent and open. In short, you’ll find that all our animals never get antibiotics, GMO’s or chemicals. And they do get ample, frequently rotating pastures. The fact that their pastures rotate frequently is key to their diet and our land remaining healthy, vibrant, and able to produce amazing flavor and nutrient density for our customers now, and into the future.”

Groce Family Farm – Chickens Open Grazing
“Our birds come in the mail as day old chicks, ducklings, or poults. A typical chicken on our farm will spend the last 2/3 or more of its life in a rotating paddock with about 45 square feet per bird. We believe this is the key to our chicken being so full of flavor and nutrients.”
How To Place An Order
Click the link below to begin your order. You will pre-pay a deposit of $10 per item ordered on the form. The balance due for your order will be due at pickup, which is currently estimated to be June 6th.